History of the journal

At the initial stage of the Association "Power supply" activity after its official registration 01.03.1991, work was carried out, provided by the Protocol of the meeting of founders of 28.01.1991.It included the formation of the structure of the Executive body, the creation and staffing of the Scientific and technical Council(STC) of the leading experts in the field of power supply, legal registration of information and publishing activities. After the formation of the STC and registration of the printing body in the form of a collection of works by the Chairman of the STC and the chief editor of the scientific and technical collection of the General meeting of members of the Association was elected doctor of technical sciences, Professor Yuri Konev.

The main purpose of the STC is to assess and develop recommendations on the directions of development of power supply in a rapidly changing industry structure.

In order to inform the industry about the results obtained in the implementation of R&D from the field of power supply, including the element base, it was recognized that the most convenient way of information support is the publication of a printing body available to a wide range of specialists of industrial enterprises, academic institutions and educational institutions.

For this purpose, a scientific and technical collection of works "Power supply" (reg. No. 2164). The periodicity of the publication of the collection was linked to the activities of the Association-conferences, seminars, decisions of the STC, etc.

For the purpose of operational acquaintance of readers with new domestic achievements in the field of means of power supply, element component base (ECB) and other power devices the Appendix to the collection of works with the name "Power supply. Express information" was created.

At the initial stage, the need for information support remained and the published materials in the collection "Express information" on new developments were in demand. Later, with the restructuring of the industry and the arrival of the import element base on the domestic market, interest in information on domestic devices began to weaken. And, as a consequence of these processes, by the middle of 90-ies the release of "Express information" almost stopped.

In the first decade of the XXI century the network of commercial industrial enterprises, the main activity of which was the development and production of converters and their functional devices, has already developed sufficiently. There was a need not only to advertise their products, but also to raise their own rating in the domestic Russian market. One of the main ways of this process is the publication of articles, which are evidence of the scientific level and potential of the company's staff. On the basis of this Association it was decided to create a full-fledged scientific and technical journal.

Scientific and technical journal "Power supply "was created by transforming the collection of works published by the Association"Power supply" since 1992. This collection was a good base not only on the experience of the publication, but also on the recognition among the scientific community. The journal was published in the 1st quarter of 2009 at intervals of four times a year. It was registered in Roskomnadzor, certificate-PI ¹ FS 77-41788 from August 26, 2010.

The first two years the journal was published in St. Petersburg. The editor-in-chief of the journal was elected Suchkov Gennady Vasilyevich, who previously headed the publication of the collection "Power supply".

In 2010, the journal was transferred to Moscow. All the work on the organization of the journal in Moscow, since the re-registration, held VitalyBorisovichChekalin, who at that time was the Director of the Association "Power supply" and Zaika Peter Nikonorovich, who from 2010 to 2016 was the editor-in-chief of the journal.

The scientific problems of power supply section of the RAS Scientific Council on the complex problem of "Electrophysics, electric power and electrical engineering" takes an active part in the publication of the journal. The joint publication of the journal with academic teams significantly increases the scientific and technical level of the journal and its relevance.

In 2017, the journal has been updated, the new chief editor of the journal became Director of the Association "Power supply" Khalyutin Sergey Petrovich. The editorial Board of the journal was updated.

Since 2017, the journal has an English name for inclusion and citation in international databases. All articles from the first issue of 2017 are double-blind peer-reviewed. New requirements for articles that need to be performed by the authors for publication in the journal are formed. The requirements are consistent with the recommendations of the higher attestation commission (HAC) of the Russian Federation and international databases.

Since 2017, the journal is included in the bibliographic database of publications of Russian authors (RSCI), which is part of an integrated scientific information resource eLIBRARY.RU. The journal is registered with the national ISSN Agency of the Russian Federation, the publication is assigned the ISSN number: 2541-8882.